Cody Coggins

Senior Associate 355-5656
I worked for company that designed natural gas stations around the usa for 4 years where I did the layout and drawings of more than 80 stations. After the company was bought by a larger one we were laid off and that's when I came to BHB. BHB stamped our structural sections, so I was familiar with company and Scott and it seemed like a good fit. I've been at BHB for almost 6 years now and love it.

Portfolio Samples

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Cody Coggins

What's your favorite BHB project you've worked on and why?
Cyprus high school, it was the biggest job I had ever worked on, and I learned a lot from it.
What excites you about your work?
problem solving, getting the software to act how you want
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Norway/Greenland, there is a bunch of Viking ruins and stuff there.
You're happiest when….?
when I'm creating something, I live for the moments when you put the last detail on an art peace I've been working on.

Articles by 

Cody Coggins

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Salt Lake Community College
Certificate of engineering drafting technology
