Darren Truchot

Senior Principal
darren.truchot@bhbengineers.com(208) 891-7157
I have 27 years of experience. I like to sit down with clients and find a resolution to a problem. I also enjoy seeing projects go from paper to a completed structure.

Portfolio Samples


Darren Truchot

What excites you about your work?
Working with Clients.
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Scuba dive the great Barrier Reef in Australia.
What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?
Snowmobile/snowbike/jetboat/side by side
What's a lesson you've learned in your career?
That you are always learning.

Articles by 

Darren Truchot

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Idaho State University
B.S. Engineering, Structural Design, 1995


Idaho (PE): 9793, Oregon (CE): 71317, Utah (PE): 7165948-2202, Washington (PE): 40683, Wyoming (PE): 15460