Dane Huggard

Senior Associate
dane.huggard@bhbengineers.com(208) 891-7157
I am originally from Utah, but I moved all over the place while growing up (including Europe for a few years). My wife and I have four kids. We moved to Meridian, ID in 2021 and really enjoy living here so far. I have been passionate about buildings since I was a little kid, and I enjoy participating in the process of building design.

Portfolio Samples

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Dane Huggard

If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
So many places - England, France, Maine, and Hawaii are all at the top of the list.
If you had a million dollars, what would you do?
Pay off my house, buy an RV, take a few vacations, and invest the rest.
What's your favorite vacation spot and why?
Maine. It's a favorite spot for our family.
People would be surprised if they knew…
I have perfect pitch and enjoy composing/arranging instrumental music.

Articles by 

Dane Huggard

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Brigham Young University
M.S. Civil Engineering, B.S. Civil Engineering

