Light of Joy Church

Riverdale, GA

Light of Joy Church

Riverdale, GA

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This project involved remodeling a building that formerly housed Lowes Home Improvement. The resulting facility now boasts a modern worship space accommodating over 1,800 attendees, featuring main floor seating and three sections of tiered risers with fixed stadium seats for up to 750 people. In addition to the sanctuary, there's a spacious 2,500 SF stage platform, backstage green rooms, offices, and rehearsal spaces for choir and dance. Serving as the church's central hub, a 1,000+ SF lobby offers a café, bookstore, and cozy seating areas, providing convenient access to a secure children's ministry wing and a separate 5,000 SF multi-purpose room for youth activities. Furthermore, the facility includes a 6,500 SF banquet/events meeting room with a commercial kitchen. *Photos courtesy of BGW Architects.


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