Jordan Perkes

Principal 355-5656
I have been at BHB for 6 1/2 years. I love seeing a vision go from conceptual design to a finished product. I love the challenge of learning each and every day.

Portfolio Samples


Jordan Perkes

What excites you about your work
Helping others to see their vision be accomplished.
What's a lesson you've learned in your career?
There is always more to learn and ways to grow.
You're happiest when….?
I'm traveling with my family and enjoying seeing new places.
How do you define success?
Enjoying what you do and being able to go home at the end of the day proud of what you accomplished.

Articles by 

Jordan Perkes

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Utah State University
M.S. Civil Engineering, 2018 B.S. Civil Engineering, 2015


Utah (PE): 10881225-2202